So much is going on right now that I had to do 2 posts in 1 day.
Spring is finally here...yea!!! Wow, after 6 inches of snow the first week of April, we are "finally" keeping our warm weather now, not that bouncing ball syndrome of 80 one day, 30 the next. My flowers look great and we even had to mow the lawn yesterday. It was only ankle deep.
Last Saturday, we went to the Herb Festival in Sand Springs. Honestly, if you love plants and you have never been to an herb festival, you must go. They block off the center part of downtown and the streets are filled with every type of plant you could imagine. There are garden plants, house plants, vegetable plants and my favorite…..herbs. Some plants are exotic and some not so exotic. Then if that isn't enough, they have several craft booths and lots of fair style food booths. More than enough to keep you busy for 3 or 4 hours.
We pulled our garden wagon along, which is a Red Flyer type wagon with wooden sideboards and huge cart tires (not those noisy metal tires, actual rubber tires). Believe me, when we caught the shuttle back to the van, our wagon was full of plants.
We bought all different kinds of organic Heirloom tomato plants, cucumber plants, and pepper plants. Then I found some Lemon Balm that has the most wonderful smell and some beautiful ferns to plant outside. What a fun day. The weather even cooperated and it didn't rain until after we left.
This weekend, we are off to another herb festival in Jenks. Not quite as big as Sand Springs but still a fantastic place to buy stuff for your garden. Plus, as an added bonus, it is suppose to be 80 degrees Saturday and no rain, just lots of sun and for a sun goddess like me that is good news. Of course, this is Oklahoma and it could drastically change between now and then.
But, the best is yet to come. Next month is the Renaissance Fair. Actually, every weekend in May is the Renaissance Fair. Another thing I am squeezing in for the month of May.
This is a family outing for us every year and we all look forward to it. Hubby and Son even dress the part. As for me, I haven’t been brave enough to go in costume yet but, I did take a step in that direction. I bought a couple of patterns to make an outfit; next step, buying the material and then actually putting it together. Who knows, next year I just “may” go in costume.
It really is a lot of fun watching everyone walking around in period clothing and talking in their Shakespearian dialect. Then there is the jousting, the May Pole, the Scottish music, and I could go on and on but you get the idea.
May is going to be a very busy month for me but filled with lots of fun.